Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Power of Love

Please find below the first message from the Desperate Sex Lives message series "The Power of Love."

To listen now, click on the link below.

In Desperate Sex Lives we are taking a biblical look at sex, relationships and love. The church in the last century has had one of two responses to the issue of sex. One response is to only talk negatively about sex and when it talks about sex only talk about what it is against. Two, the church has said nothing as if sex was dirty, God did not create it, and there is not a whole book in the Bible (Song of Solomon) about sex. It is time for the church to present a biblcial view and God inspired teaching series on sex instead of leaving it to MTV, Paris Hilton and the kids down the street to inform our children. We will be learning that sex within God's plan for sexual intimacy is a good thing. We will find out that God's boundaries for sex are borne out of his love for us and for our protection.
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