Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Haunting Question- Part 2

So why then? Why does God allow suffering, evil and bad things to happen?

I am going to unpack this the rest of the week, but let me give you this today.

When I am asked this question my best, limited, human and humble response is that I do not believe God is the "cause" of human tragedy. Both we as human beings and the whole of creation are broken as Genesis makes clear. Because we are broken we get sick, we hurt each other, natural disasters occur, and on down the line. In one word we as human being SIN. This is not the will of the good and perfect and holy God. Yet, the Bible promises that all things will be made new when Christ returns and conquers evil, sin, brokenness, death, disease and even redeems creation.

While God has permitted such a world as we live in today to continue on until the time when Christ returns he is active in such a world. He was active when he emptied himself and came to us in Christ and redeemed us with his blood. He is active through the Holy Spirit taking hardship, tragedy and trials and redeeming those and bringing some good out of them. Even if the midst of the things that produce the haunting question he promises to never leave us or forsake us.

Stay tuned for more thoughts and reflection on the haunting question.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Robb, you ended nicely....He promises to never leave us or forsake us. No matter how troubled/broken we become we MUST look for God because he is there ready to help us.