Friday, January 13, 2006

Prayer of Confession

I like to teach the ACTS method for ordering prayer.

A- Adoration
C- Confession
T- Thanksgiving
S- Supplication

In order to keep my prayer life fresh I use different methods to offer my adoration of God or to confess my own, our church, and our communities sins. I came across this prayer of confession from Preaching Now. I found it in there email newsletter.
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From the words of a Puritan prayer:
I am deeply convinced of the evil and misery of a sinful state,of the vanity of creatures, but also of the sufficiency of Christ.
When thou wouldst guide me I control myself,
When thou wouldst be sovereign I rule myself.
When thou wouldst take care of me I suffice myself.
When I should depend on thy providings I supply myself,
When I should submit to thy providence I follow my will,
When I should study, love, honour, trust thee, I serve myself;
I fault and correct thy laws to suit myself,
Instead of thee I look to man's approbation,and am by nature an idolater.
Lord, it is my chief design to bring my heart back to thee.
Convince me that I cannot be my own god, or make myself happy,nor my own Christ to restore my joy,nor my own Spirit to teach, guide, and rule me . . . Then take me to the cross and leave me there. (from The Valley of Vision)

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