Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Financial Peace Friday on Tuesday- Money is (A)moral

I previously have posted about the Total Money Makeover Simulcast on Saturday September 19th and the Financial Peace University class starting September 21st we are going to be holding at New Season. You can always sign up for those events at our website. Leading up to those events I had hoped (though I made no promises) to do a Financial Peace Friday on this blog. Well it is Tuesday but better late than never. I will be sharing some things I am learning about biblical principles for handling the resources God has given. I am no expert, I have a long way to go in living out some of these principles, but I am confident that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (and so can you!).

Today I want to write about how money is amoral.
There is a difference between amoral and immoral. To be immoral is to be contrary to what is moral. To be amoral, like money, is to have no moral value either good or bad. Money in and of itself has no moral value. Many have mistakenly misquoted from the Bible 1 Timothy 6:10 that "Money is the root of all evil." Not so. A closer reading of that verse says "the love of money is the root of all evil."

So money is amoral, without positive or negative moral, until you put it into the hands of us people. How we use what God has given us becomes a moral issue. We can then either use it for good or ill like all that God has gifted us with. We can quickly see how we manage our money becomes a spiritual issue. If it comes from God and is to be used for God then gaining, saving and giving all we can are spiritual issues.

I like how St. Ambrose put it. "Just as riches are an impediment to virtue in the wicked, so in the good they are an aid to virtue."

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