Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Incarnational Evangelism Part 2

One of the ways for the church to get the hell out of the church and be incarnational is to ask "What are we now doing inside the walls of the church/ on the church grounds that can better be done somewhere else in the community?" Is it small groups, a fall festival, Vacation Bible School, worship, or something else?

Being a portable church (a church that has no permanent location but meets in a school/ movie theater etc.) has it advantages at times because being portable forces the church out into the community for its activities.

Here is a simple example. Each year at New Season we have an Egg Hunt. Now, we could do the egg hunt on our church grounds (Lee Hill Elementary School) after worship. We would hopefully gather the 20-30 kids that come on any given Sunday. Even if we "advertised" and used attractional evangelism methods to invite others you are just not going to attract that many people, especially prechruched people, to a "church" Easter Egg Hunt. Out of necessity and partly by design we held our first and still hold our subsequent egg hunts at a local subdivision's playing fields. We put out a sign at the exit of the subdivision advertising it a couple of weeks before the event and we send each home a postcard.

Instead of sharing the love of Christ with 20-30 kids and their families we share with 100 kids and their families. We end up sharing the love of Christ with kids and their families who would have never in a million years came to the school grounds to be a part of this event but since we were out in the community bringing the church and the good news of Christ's love to them they came and now seeds have been planted.

What is the church currently doing that can be better done out in the community?

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