Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Never Give Up

This past Sunday my wife's grandfather, George W. Howe died at the ripe old age of 92. In the fourteen years I knew him, "Grandpa George", was every bit an agnostic and antagonistic to religion in general though always polite and never belligerent. In these last few weeks of his life he came to know and accept Christ as his Savior and has now inherited the promises prepared for every believer.

Many had prayed for such a day when "Grandpa George" would accept Christ. He fought in WWII, in Korea at the Chosin Reservoir, faced numerous health issues over the years, took care of his wife who developed severe Alzheimer's (he was 90 then!), and overcame perhaps the greatest obstacle of his life- his unbelief- when he sought forgiveness and accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord just a couple of weeks ago.

Two lessons I have learned in all of this. First, God takes us all on different journeys. Some "get it" sooner rather than later. Others, for whatever reason take longer. Second, never stop praying for those who are friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers to find the blessed peace of faith in Christ. No one, at any time, is beyond the redemptive hand of Christ. Thanks be to God!

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