Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Exponential Plenary Session 2

Andy Stanley spoke at Plenary Session #2.

Vision- a mental picture of what could be fueled by a passion that should be.
Vision always begins as a burden.
Must communicate what the win is in making your vision clear.

How to Make Vision Stick
1. State it simply
Memorable is portable.

2. Cast it convincingly
A. Define the problem
B. Offer a solution- this is your vision
C. And explain why now

3. Repeat it regularly- keep casting it!

4. Celebrate it systematically.
Make public examples of people who live out the vision- celebrate it.
Use stories- they illustrate the vision.
You want people to say, “Oh, that is what you are talking about.”

5. Embrace it personally.

The curse of knowledge- you think everybody knows what you know because you shared it once.

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