Tuesday, November 22, 2005


What is godcasting. Godcasting is the same as podcasting but is named differently to reflect the content of the material available for download to your mp3 player or other software. Godcasting usually includes messages, devotions, and even worship music. At New Season Church we are still perfecting the art of recording and editing the messages and we have our good weeks and bad weeks. We are currently using Steve Kropp's Hp laptop and a program called Audacity to record. Below are two godcasts from two messages from our latest series "Reach: How Radical Followers of Jesus Make a Difference".

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up

Reaching in To Radically Help Each Other

For more information about podcasting here is a link to a good description of the steps to take in order to be able to download these messages to your mp3 player or other software from our friends at Ginghmasburg Church. Enjoy.

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