Friday, August 14, 2009

Financial Peace Friday

I previously have posted about the Total Money Makeover Simulcast on Saturday September 19th and the Financial Peace University class starting September 21st we are going to be holding at New Season. You can always sign up for those events at our website. Leading up to those events I hope (I make no promises) to do a Financial Peace Friday on this blog. In it I will be sharing some things I am learning about biblical principles for handling the resources God has given. I am no expert, I have a long way to go in living out some of these principles, but I am confident that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (and so can you!).

This Friday I want to talk about debt. Anytime debt is talked about in the Bible it is never in a positive light. Proverbs 22:7 tells us "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender." The problem with debt and why debt is so heavily marketed in our society is that it becomes our master. Many of us are taught that debt is normal. We are told that debt is good in some cases (like student loan debt). We are told to invest and ignore small interest debt that we may be carrying because the numbers make better sense. While debt in and of itself is not a sin, and certainly not a salvation issue, the Bible is clear that debt is not a good things and nowhere does God call his people to go into debt for his purposes.

The problem comes in that when we are in debt we have another master besides the Master. The problem with any debt is that it carries risk. This has been a hard and painful lesson for many in the current recession. Debt seems to be OK until you or your spouse loses their job, you have a health emergency, or interest rates go up on you. Then you start to worry about debt and it becomes your master even further. Before you know it you are worshiping at the feet of the FICO score (your credit score). And yet, the Bible tells followers of Jesus there is only one God, one thing worthy of our love, attention and energy and it is not debt.

The Total Money Makeover Simulcast and Financial Peace University will help you to think about your own debt in light of biblical principles. It is interesting that when I follow God's instructions for life as found in God's word things turn out right. When I don't, that is when things go wrong. I guess God knows better than me. If you are sick and tired of being in debt to credit card companies, your student loan provider, the hospital for medical bills, or whoever else then get yourself over to our website where you will find a link for the one day Total Money Makeover Simulcast or the the more in-depth 13 week Financial Peace University. In both of these opportunities you will learn tried, true, and tested principles based in the authority of scripture for you to be free from debt.

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