Monday, April 16, 2007

Are You Leading the Charge Podcast

Please find below the podcast for the first message in the Discover Financial Peace series at New Season Church called "Are You Leading the Charge?"

To listen now, click on the podcast icon below.


High credit card debt and consumer debt is a plague in our society. Statistics bear our that excessive debt leads to such maladies as marriage and relationship strain as well as depression. What does the Bible and faith speak to such issues? How we manage credit and debt is really a faith issue. It touches on issues such as where do we get our self worth from, who do we trust when we face our brokenness, and who do we understand God to be.
For people who are followers of Jesus Christ and have made him Lord (CEO, Director, Supervisor) of their lives then faith in Jesus Christ touches every aspect of the follower's life including how they handle their finances. For those who are not yet followers this series allows for them to explore what the Bible, faith and the Jesus journey offer for managing finances. We will see how God who owns all things provides guidance and direction through scripture when it comes to managing what he has given to us.
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