Monday, October 24, 2005

Anne Rice Finds Jesus!

Some of you may have read Anne Rice's stuff in the past. She is the one who wrote a vampire series of books that thrilled millions. It appears now that Ms. Rice has taken a differnet direction. I came across this article from MSNBC describing things that have gone on her life in recent years: last year she came cose to death after surgery for an intestinal blockage, back in 1998 she went into a sudden diabetic coma, her husband Stan died of a brain tumor in 2002 and she most recently had some property in New Orleans damaged by Katrina. In 1998 she returned to the Roman Catholic Church she had left when was eighteen. Her next books are a series about Jesus. The first in the series is "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" a novel about a 7 year old Jesus narrated by Jesus himself. She is already working on a second book.

It seems to me there are two things especially worth noting about Ms. Rice's new found faith. 1. God uses the muck of our life (sickness, grief, and other struggles) to draw us closer to Him. God does not cause those things but He is there to pick up the pieces and use them to melt and mold us and knock on the door of our hearts. 2. Even after one has come to have faith in the radical Jesus, it does not mean immunity from the trials and tribulation of life. Notice Ms. Rice's troubles continued even after she rediscovered her faith. I think Ms. Rice would tell us that while her faith does not shield her from such things it equips her to handle them, learn from them, and then help others going through the same things.

Thank God for the work He has done in Anne Rice's life and the way He works in all of our life's in the same way though we are not as famous.

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Jesus in Luke 15:7

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